Snow in the Rex's side yard. 1930s
Randolph, Utah
November 9, 1937.
My dear boy,
I simply must get a letter off to you this morning, even if
it is just a short one. We have been very neglectful. We received your airmail
letter, and decided you were just a wee bit homesick. Well, of course, I wouldn’t
think much of you if you didn’t get homesick for us once in awhile. I get
homesick to see you once in awhile. In fact everything that happens that does
happen every year makes me think, well just once more. One more winter, one
more planting of flowers, one more year in fact, and then you will be home. I
hope time keeps flying the way it has these past few weeks. It doesn’t seem
possible that Helen is leaving next week. The time has gone so fast. We are
very busy getting out the invitations for her party. I hope everything goes off
all right. She has a lot of nice things now. I suppose you have heard from
Winnie by now telling you she was down. Those two girls are going to miss each
Roy was in Sunday and stayed about three hours. I showed him
some of your Brazilonians. He thought they were fine. We talked missionaries,
and he was surely wishing you were here. He was so lonesome. He had a rather
bad time at the hospital, and so will have to be careful for awhile. He will go
back after the first of the year. It wouldn’t never do for you to have to take
a leave of absence would it. We talked about the times you kids came from
Evanston half dead for sleep, and marveled that you had not killed yourselves
six times over. Roy just hasn’t anybody here to chase with. He said he was
going up to see Margaret.
Winnie sent us a grand picture of herself. I suppose you
will get one too. There is something about it that isn’t quite natural, but
then it shows her sweet smile, and I love to look at it. Have I got my family
perched on the piano.
We received your
rather short letter last night, but enjoyed it very much. Was hoping you had
been transferred to Sao Paulo. I do hope you get transferred. A change is a
good thing once in awhile. The work on the church is progressing very nicely. I
can see the tall chimney stack they have built at the back. All those little
chimneys have been taken down, and they are shingling the roof.
We took some pictures to send to you, but the lens of the
camera must have been dusty. They are spoiled, but will send you two or three.
We are having Helen’s party in the amusement hall. I suppose the Burdetts will
be down. Mrs. Burdett certainly thought Helen should have a party.
Daddy went to Ogden yesterday with Mr. Guymon. Today the Red
Cross man is here, and he promised to work on the church. He is rather busy.
Well, maybe we will get back to routine next week, and then I hope you will get
your letters more regularly. There is not much news to give you. Even the news
off the radio is rather dull. Wars on the other side of the world don’t keep
our attention as much as if they were closer. So we quit listening to the
The leaves are all gone, and everything is bare and brown. I
shant mind if a little snow comes to cover up the ugliness. It is quite cold
too. Have you written to your Uncle Will. He is quite insulted. He was in here
last night and asked about you. Ben and Afton are very happy on the ranch, and,
as Roy says, they have forgotten the world.
Well dearie, it is 7:30, so you see I must get this note off
on the mail. I know you would rather have it than nothing. It is getting near
Xmas when you get this, isn’t it. I cant feature Xmas without snow.
Be a good boy, and keep writing. We all send our best love,
and think of you and talk of you every day.
Love and kisses, from Mother
My dear,
I see the whole family has written. That is fine. I’ll put
in this line or two. Your letters are not going to be very regular, I’m afraid.
I had Helen sick for a week & then I took a turn at not feeling good &
I’m afraid we missed nearly a week. I’m wondering if you are getting your mail
tho’ with the shipping strike. Guess we better send them airmail.
I suppose Helen told you Clara was in to see us. My, she is
I believe time is flying. Still it seems ages since that
night last winter. Fred is released on the 18th so he will be home
when you get this.
It is time for this to go. I must write to Win & have
her get your garments. Those boys leave Thursday so I must get it off today.
Well, take care of yourself. Your experiences are grand for
you & I surely am glad you want to go to school. That is fine. Love &
kisses & the Lord’s blessings on you my dear. We talk of you all the time.
Lovingly, Mother