Several buildings being built in Salt Lake City about the same time John Morgan built the Morgan Hotel 1890-1891 are pictured here. The Odd Fellows Hall is in this earlier post. And a picture of ZCMI, circa 1889 is here. The Templeton Building, circa 1890 is here.
Like his father-in-law and brothers-in-law, John Morgan is listed in the “Utah directory and gazetteer for 1879-80” as being in the real estate business.

On August 27, 1890, John Morgan was in Salt Lake City, after returning from Manassa, Colorado.
August 28
Met Grow and talked over plans and specifications of building. At 11 a.m. attended Council Meeting …
August 29
At work about the building and other work about town.
August 30
Settled with the men for work done and got settled up with Grow …
September 1
Secured bids for the building and got affairs into shape to push the building.
September 2
At work piling lumber this forenoon. Assisted in setting some 25 or 30 Missionaries apart to go to various parts of the earth. At 5 p.m. left for Idaho.
September 3
Met Grow and talked over plans and specifications of building. At 11 a.m. attended Council Meeting …
August 29
At work about the building and other work about town.
August 30
Settled with the men for work done and got settled up with Grow …
September 1
Secured bids for the building and got affairs into shape to push the building.
September 2
At work piling lumber this forenoon. Assisted in setting some 25 or 30 Missionaries apart to go to various parts of the earth. At 5 p.m. left for Idaho.
September 3
Arrived at Preston at 12 M. Have spent the day quietly resting and visiting.
September 4
Wrote some letters this a.m. Had a visit from brother and sister Hale. Cool.
September 5
Left on the 5:30 a.m. train for home. Arrived at 12 m., busy about the building during the afternoon.
September 6
Payed [sic] the men off and got back accounts fixed up. Met Auntie Udall and accompanied her to Preston.
September 7
Remained quiet at home all day. Weather turned quite cold. Brought the stove in and fixed it up …
September 9
September 4
Wrote some letters this a.m. Had a visit from brother and sister Hale. Cool.
September 5
Left on the 5:30 a.m. train for home. Arrived at 12 m., busy about the building during the afternoon.
September 6
Payed [sic] the men off and got back accounts fixed up. Met Auntie Udall and accompanied her to Preston.
September 7
Remained quiet at home all day. Weather turned quite cold. Brought the stove in and fixed it up …
September 9
[back in Salt Lake] At work about the building and arranged with Saville and Baker to start the brick work. Left on the 5 p.m. train for Preston. Arrived at 11:30 p.m.
[Note: During this month John made six trips to Preston, Idaho to be with Mary Ann Linton Morgan, his 3rd wife. He would return to Salt Lake on a morning train a day or two later to work on his building and attend to Salt Lake affairs. He repeated that trip pattern until September 21, 1890, when Mary Ann, gave birth to their first child.]
September 20
At work about the building. Today our expense account was nearly $1,500, the heaviest weeks expense yet. Left on the 5 p.m. train for Idaho, arriving at 11:30 p.m.
September 21, 1890
Mary was delivered of a fine boy at 4:20 p.m. today. Got along very nicely for the first one.
September 22
Left on the 5:30 a.m. train for home and arrived at 11 a.m. and busy about the building during the p.m. The work went slowly owing to lack of men.
September 23
At work about the building and other matters about home.
September 24
Endeavoring to get money matters fixed up so that I can start to Colorado, but failed …
September 28
Returned to Logan ... returned to Idaho on the 10 p.m. train.
September 29
Remained quiet all day. A number of visitors called. In the afternoon blessed the baby giving it the name of Linton.
[Note: During this month John made six trips to Preston, Idaho to be with Mary Ann Linton Morgan, his 3rd wife. He would return to Salt Lake on a morning train a day or two later to work on his building and attend to Salt Lake affairs. He repeated that trip pattern until September 21, 1890, when Mary Ann, gave birth to their first child.]
September 20
At work about the building. Today our expense account was nearly $1,500, the heaviest weeks expense yet. Left on the 5 p.m. train for Idaho, arriving at 11:30 p.m.
September 21, 1890
Mary was delivered of a fine boy at 4:20 p.m. today. Got along very nicely for the first one.
September 22
Left on the 5:30 a.m. train for home and arrived at 11 a.m. and busy about the building during the p.m. The work went slowly owing to lack of men.
September 23
At work about the building and other matters about home.
September 24
Endeavoring to get money matters fixed up so that I can start to Colorado, but failed …
September 28
Returned to Logan ... returned to Idaho on the 10 p.m. train.
September 29
Remained quiet all day. A number of visitors called. In the afternoon blessed the baby giving it the name of Linton.
John Morgan Journal, Special Collections, Marriott Library, University of Utah. Picture of Morgan Hotel from descendant Karen M. Thank you so very much!