Sunday, August 18, 2013

John Morgan and Joseph Standing Mission Travels continue, April 19-23, 1876.

Wabash River, by Henry Hamilton, 1778. from Wikipedia

(Continued from here.)

Gopher Hill Church, April 19, 1876 - Went to Mr. Dixon’s this morning and secured his consent for the use of the Church. Went to the school house and had a lecture announced. Came back to Mr. Robert Creigh and stopped over night. Spoke at the Church to a moderate sized audience, who many of them went to sleep.

Wabash River, April 20, 1876 – Walked over to the “Log School House,” and secured a stopping place at the Widow Maginnis’. Walked over to Baltimore School House to learn about our appointment for tomorrow night. Spoke to a large audience who paid close attention and listened carefully to what was said. Met a Mr. Edward Lowe who had been to Utah and had a long talk with him. He thinks of returning there this fall. Reading some of the Doctrine & Covenants each day. Are treated well in the neighborhood.

Baltimore, Indiana, April 21, 1876 – Started early to go to Mrs. Gamison’s to get the Razor and Brush, got out of the way and had a long walk. Had dinner a t Mr. Jones’. Came on down to this place where we held meeting tonight. Stayed all night at Mr. Bogess’, an Infidel who treated us kindly. A small audience out to hear us.

Covington, Indiana, April 22, 1876 – Came over to the place this morning and got a letter from Jimmie. Called on the Editors of the paper and read the news. Came out to Mr. Shelby’s. Had dinner and returned to town. Spoke at the Court House to a good sized audience who gave close attention. Stayed all night at Mr. Shelby’s.

Covington Indiana, April 23, 1876 – Raining this morning. Read, talked during the day. Spoke at the Church this afternoon to a small audience owing to the rain storm. Talked till late with Mr. & Mrs. Shelby. Feel we are doing some good in this locality and trust that our words may have their due effect.

The Shelbys of Covington, Indiana 1870 Census.

Older pictures of interest in historic Covington, Indiana picture collection:
Old Court House
Train Depot
Washington Street 1860
View Across the Wabash: Birds Eye view of Covington
Ferry Boat crossing the Wabash
Nebeker Farm

(To be continued.)
John Hamilton Morgan Journal, Special Collections, Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.

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