Monday, October 27, 2014

Bessie Morgan Rex. Letter to Harold August 8, 1938.

This picture is titled haying on the Rex ranch.
 It could just as well be at the B.Q.

Randolph, Utah
August 8, 1938.

My dear son,

It is 4:45 p.m. and I am sitting across the table from my graduate nurse. She is writing genealogy. My girls are heavy on that. I have a cake in the oven, and if it is good you may have a piece. How will that be? We just had a lovely shower, and everything smells so fresh.

We received your very welcome airmail letter. We send it to Helen. I know your letters are rather scarce. We have discussed you pro and con, have decided what you must be and what you must not be. Have decided you will be changed.

(Say Winnie has so much to tell me I cant get this written. Now she must be quiet) She has had some experiences sure. My children are gaining so much worldly knowledge, their mother is quite dumb.

page 2-- It is so nice to have Winnie home, but of course she will have to go again unless she gets this co. nurses job. In some ways I should like her to get it but oh dear there is nothing here for a girl.
Daddy said to tell you he thinks of you, but they are very busy, at the B. Q. haying. 4000 tons of hay to be put up. Oh so much hard work.

I’m so glad you appreciate your mission.—and it is no drain. I’m sure you have had experiences that will influence your whole future life.

So you were rather a stiff Romeo were you? I have mentioned to the folks several times that the girls do not seem to have bothered you much down there.

Oh dear, somebody keeps interrupting me, and then my mind wanders. Fancy you going to a R.S. quilting. Even our bishopric never dare come near our R.S.

I am taking charge of the drama in Mutual this winter. It might prove

page 3--too much for me, but I’ll try it.

Here it is Tue. Morning. This must go this day sure. We had a practice last night and nobody got to write at all. Morgan has gone to milk. He has a milk route too. He makes a little and it all helps. My how these boys are planning, so you fellows can have money to go to school on.  Maeser  figures out to me each week how many steers you will need and how many he will have. It is a very good idea for them. Something to work to.

Well dearie, I think you will have plenty of letter for this time and I have a report to send in for the R.S. so better close now. I must try hard to write better letters to you, more inspiring, as it is nearing the end. Oh my dear, it will be a happy day when we have you home with us again. It seems so long since you went down there. We all send our best love and prayers that you will soon be with us again so until then, piles of love from Mother.

Note on B. Q. “Father continued working at the B.Q. Ranch. (B.Q. stands for Beckwith and Quinn. It was a large ranch north of Randolph.) He would come home on Saturday night and go back Monday morning. Some weeks he’d come on Wednesday night for an overnight.” "Mary Elizabeth Herbert Rex History," Histories of Percy Harold Rex, Bessie Morgan Rex, Mary Elizabeth Herbert Rex and their descendants," published 2014, pg 64. 


  1. How nice to use a quote from "our book".

  2. "Our book" is awakening so many thoughts, ideas, facts, and hearts. Thank you for always noticing.
