Thank you to John and Helen Melvina Morgan’s descendant Geraldine M. for sharing her beautiful Haywood Valley photos. She and her family visited there last year.
Covington, Indiana, July 4, 1876
Have neglected to keep my Journal for the past month. Have been working some, fishing some and reading considerable. Have read the Book of Mormon and am now reading the New Testament. Have held two and three meetings each Sunday but one and done all the good I could by private talking. An overflowing rain has been falling almost all the month. The wheat crop has been seriously damaged and the corn is being damaged very much.
This is the celebration day of the Anniversary of our Republic. Drunkeness, riot and wrong doing will cover the lands today.
Johnsonville, August 20, 1876
Have been preaching at every opportunity afforded for the entire time that my Journal has been neglected. Generally held two or three meetings each Sabbath. Have written a number of letters for the papers at Covington, which were all published. Brother J. D. H. McAllister and Joseph H. Standing came to me on the 10th day of this month and on the 11th I received my release from President B. Young. On the 12th in company with Brother McAllister I went to the South part of the county and held Church on Sunday and during the week. Three women are seeking the Gospel and desire to be guided by the spirit.
Johnsonville, Indiana, August 24, 1876
Preaching through this part of the country every evening, Very hot, Since prospects of some additions to the Church.
Dist. Town Chattooga County, Ga. October 5, 1876
Left Covington, Indiana about the 20th of September and came to this locality to preach. Have been quite sick, but am better at present.
Have been preaching here in the locality and with a good prospect of doing good. My health has not been good, but is improving. I am not writing my journal as I should. Must improve in this respect.
Haywood Valley, December 3, 1876
Have been very busy preaching and teaching since I wrote my last entry in my journal. Baptized sixteen persons and have a good prospect for the future.
December 30, 1876
Have been preaching and teaching during the month in Chattooga and Floyd Counties with some success.
Berry Springs, Alabama, April 15, 1877
Since my last entry in my journal I have preached throughout Floyd, Chattooga and Gordon Counties, Georgia, baptizing many and enjoying the spirit of my mission. I left the Brethren in Haywood on the 22nd of March and came to Cherokee, Alabama. Preached in several counties, Cherokee, Dekalb and Dade Counties, Georgia. Visited Green Blake’s and the Browns’ at Sulphur Springs, relatives of Margaret Smoot, also Jack Blake, Alpine, Georgia, and the Grove Oak Branch of the Church in DeKalb.County. Met with Brothers Lisonbee Brewerton and Wightman from Utah with a number of the native Saints. Am now at Chas. H. Paynes, P. O. Alpine, Georgia near where I preached today. Pleasant weather. Met, while on my trip Marion O’Rear, a man that Brother Crosby baptized some years ago. He has become fossilized, also Jas. M. Smith, P. O. Cedar Springs, Ala.
Armuchis Branch, May 7, 1877
Since the 15th of April visited the Grove Oak, Dekalb County branch of the Church. Met Brothers Lisonbee, Brewerton and Wightman and held meeting with them. Returned to Chattooga County, corssing some terrible rivers on the way, swift and rapid. Held a general conference of the North Georgia and Alabama Saints at Haywood Valley Church. Well attended and good spirit prevailing. Brothers Brewerton and Wightman returned to Grove Oak, while Brother Lisonbee and I started on a trip to this branch and the Beechcreek. Found the brethren generally enjoying the spirit of God and feeling well the spirit of emigration is taking hold upon the Brethren generally and I am much in hopes that all will try and emigrate this Fall.
Came over from the Armuchie Branch last week. Held meeting Sunday forenoon and went to hear a Methodist Circuit-rider preach a mess of stuff about the doing away of prophecy and the Mormon’s delusion, fraud and false Prophet was the burden of his song. His name is Boyd, an Irishman. Went to hear him again on Tuesday night when he had very much softened down.
Held meeting at Uncle Peter Lawrence’s Thursday night. Thursday we came to Major Freeman’s and stopped all night. Gave out a meeting for Sunday. Came on over Saturday and stayed all night at Brother Mannings’. Preached at Major Freeman’s Sunday morning. Close attention paid. Major Freeman badly stirred upon the question of baptism.
Rock Springs, Georgia, June 5, 1877
Brother L. and myself left the brethren in Haywood Valley on the 31st of May. Came to District Town and stopped over night with Wesley Shropshire. Treated kindly, Came to Jas. Mattox for dinner, from there, by way of Lafayette to this place. Stayed all night with Jas. Smith. Obtained a school house to preach in. Preached Sunday to a good audience. Had dinner at Wm. Key’s. Stopped over night at Jas. Wilburn’s. Last night at Mr. Jones. Had dinner at Mrs. Park’s. We are treated kindly in this neighborhood and will probably preach again.
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