I’m posting this additional material I’ve collected about John Morgan’s death here. And this picture. I couldn't positively identify John Morgan when I first found this picture among an unlabeled group two years ago. Now I can. The very best source for John Morgan's death is found here and here at The Ancestor Files.

Funeral of John Morgan
Eulogistic Speeches and Impressive Services at the Tabernacle
Eulogistic Speeches and Impressive Services at the Tabernacle
Elder John Morgan of the Presiding Council of seventies of the Mormon Church was buried from the Tabernacle with elaborate and impressive ceremonies. The deceased had been a soldier on the Union side curing the war, and got his early fame as a member of this church from labors in the Southern States mission. The tabernacle was therefore decorated with appropriate martial ensigns, among them a flag which the deceased had carried through the battle of Selma, Ala., and a funeral panegyric was delivered by Elder Roberts, who had been associated with Elder Morgan throughout his church career. Many words of laudation, of love and sorrow were spoken, and the feeling seemed to prevail that the church and all it’s people had sustained a severe loss in the death of the elder.
Besides Elder Roberts, Elders Kimball, Fjeksted, Goddard, and John Henry Smith spoke of the deceased’s life and work. The choir sang “Oh My Father,” and President Joseph F. Smith pronounced the benediction.
The remaining six members of the Council of Seventies acted as pall-bearers. The internment took place at the city cemetery, a large number of carriages following the remains to their last resting place.
Extracts from George Q. Cannon’s Journals:
August 15, 1894 – “I was deeply grieved today to hear of the death of Elder John Morgan, one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies. I felt very badly about his sickness, and I have feared that it might terminate fatally, because he left here very much depressed and worn out in body and mind. His depression was caused by the loss of almost all he had - - a property of considerable value, and he was literally stripped of everything. I do not know a man that we could put our hands on at present that would fill his place. I almost feel as though it was a public calamity.”
August 18, 1894 – “At 12 o’clock we went to the Assembly Hall to attend the funeral services of Elder John Morgan. President Seymour B. Young, of the Seventies, took charge of the meeting, and called upon Brothers B. H. Roberts, J. G. Kimball, C. D. Fjelsted, John Henry Smith and George Goddard, after which he spoke, on behalf of the First Presidency, Presidents Woodruff and Smith desired me to make some remarks. The remarks of the brethren were very pertinent, and it is rarely a man receives higher encomiums than our deceased brother did from all who spoke. The Assembly Hall was well filled. A number of non-Mormons were present, for he was a man that was highly respected by all who knew him, and had been a gallant soldier in the Union army during the civil strife.”
Obituary from Jay Wade and Marriott Library, Special Collection, University of Utah. Picture and George Q. Cannon quotes from Marriott Library, Special Collection, University of Utah and The Life and Ministry of John Morgan, by Arthur Richardson, copyright 1965, by Nicholas g. Morgan Sr., pgs 570-571.
Wonderful photo. You're doing great work! That's a great excerpt from GQC.
ReplyDeleteA fascinating blog!!
ReplyDeleteI'm really enjoying my visit!
Thank you Amy, and Gabriele. I love this work, and I love this family.